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Vote YES on Question 4 for Earned Sick Time

November 3, 2014

SEIU Local 888 is part of a coalition of more than 100 community, faith and labor organizations supporting Question 4, which would guarantee every worker in Massachusetts access to earned sick time.

Make a plan to vote for Q4Local 888 members voted unanimously to support Yes on Question 4 at our Oct. 4 convention, reaffirming our previous commitment to stand behind the sick-time initiative.

The ballot question would require companies with 11 or more employees to allow workers to earn up to 40 hours of paid sick time a year to visit the doctor or take care of a sick family member. At companies with 10 or fewer workers, employees would earn up to 40 hours of unpaid sick time.

Local 888 President Mark DelloRusso said this initiative is important as a matter of social justice. "More than 1 million working people in Massachusetts lack sick days, paid or unpaid, and they are often among the lowest-paid workers. How can we claim to care about children, families and communities when staying home with a sick child could cost you your job? We must fight for policies that support people being able to care for themselves, have full lives, and not be subject solely to the whims of their employers."

To learn more about earned sick-time initiative and get involved, visit

To see the rest of Local 888's political endorsements visit: //