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Shrewsbury Cafeteria Workers

May 10, 2016

Shrewsbury Cafeteria Workers ratified a three year agreement unanimously.  The new contract has 2 percent raises each year. It also includes new labor/management meetings, some additions to the bereavement policy and other language improvements.  Most importantly, management made no attempts at take-aways and no threats to privatize services as has taken place in the past.

[caption id="attachment_6767" align="aligncenter" width="640"]The cafeteria negotiating committee (left to right Patty Sanuik (Chapter Chair), Sandra Litchfield and Elaine Stark) unanimously recommended a new tentative agreement. The membership vote is set for May 17. There are 36 members in the unit.The cafeteria negotiating committee (left to right Patty Sanuik (Chapter Chair), Sandra Litchfield and Elaine Stark) unanimously recommended the new tentative agreement. The membership vote was on May 17. There are 36 members in the unit.[/caption]